Interactive Metronome is an interactive program with a computer and headphones used by individuals from that can help with attention, motor control, language processing, reading, and more.

Interactive Metronome is an interactive program with the computer where a person hears the sound of a metronome through headphones at 54 beats per minute. A sensor, worn on the hand or placed on the floor, is activated as the individual produces a particularly prescribed movement. It teaches a person to become more in synch and on time. It is used with a wide variety of individuals including musicians, dancers, and sports figures, as well as people with a variety of challenges. In a study appearing in the March 2001 article in the American Journal of Occupational Therapy, a group of ADHD boys who received intervention from the IM showed statistically significant improvements over a control group in attention, motor control, language processing, reading and regulating aggression. For further information, visit